Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
ACCURATE first choice |
1 |
AEROFLEX india's first foam |
17 |
AFS first gear bpo solution |
35 |
ALYSIS first choice |
30 |
ANTROPIC first diet |
31 |
first |
37, 43 |
BABY first choice |
8, 20, 28 |
CI first choice |
25 |
COLONIAL first state |
16 |
COLORBAR first impressions |
21 |
DUMBOW first aid medicated |
5 |
ENVIRO KGREEN first +leaf |
16 |
FAB first |
16 |
FAB MALL quality first |
35 |
FABMALL quality first |
3, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 42 |
FC first CONTACT +square |
16 |
FI first impression +hide |
18 |
FLORENZA paris first class |
3 |
FLUENCY first |
16 |
FMI first mobile india |
16 |
FS first SELECT +square |
35 |
first |
44 |
first |
16, 41 |
30 |
HORLICKS first steps |
30 |
INDYCORP love at first bite |
42 |
ITC limited CITIZEN first |
16 |
JEVLON first love +woman |
3 |
K-first |
25 |
LAISURE first class perfume |
3 |
LAPTECH first name in lapto |
9 |
LOADMAAL india's first |
16, 39, 42 |
MITTAL brothers you first |
37 |
MY first |
29 |
MY first COLGATE |
21 |
16 |
NATURALOE india's first |
3 |
NUK first CHOICE |
6 |
NUK first choice |
9, 10, 11 |
ORION always first |
25 |
OVA replace first +plants |
5 |
PINACO safety first |
9 |
PLANET first |
25, 41 |
Q-TEST quality first +squar |
7 |
42 |
RELIANCE first retail |
35, 41, 42 |
RKS service first +ovals |
10 |
SANGAM'S first choice |
25 |
SAXO first class +man |
3 |
SKAI OE first choice |
6 |
SKY fitness first +wings |
35, 41 |
STD. DTC-first |
7 |
TIMES fm first in music |
9, 16 |
TMI first +square |
35 |
TRINETHRA quality first |
1, 3, 5, 8, 16, 21, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35 |
TRINETHRA quality first sho |
2, 3 |
TVS scooty first love |
12 |
VAYUGRID the first mile |
3, 35 |
VIRAJ safety first |
22, 24 |
WEIKFIELD first choice |
30 |
first |
42 |
a-first |
25 |
baby's first years +child |
25 |
d-UPLAST luxury first |
2 |
fmi first mobile +globe ova |
9 |
39 |
i first rank |
25 |
first |
35 |
india's first ZERO TRANS FA |
41 |
safety first +boy & triangl |
41 |
sf AAUGSBURG first of best |
25 |
sri CHAKRA first +wheel |
14 |
the first BYTE TFB +pages |
16 |
top MAN first class parfums |
3 |
DCB firstcash |
36 |
firstnaukri +cartoon |
35 |
DCM chalti firti dukan |
24 |
fischer +fish |
17, 28 |
fish |
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42 |
fish & animals |
25 |
fish & bottle |
16, 42 |
fish & circle |
8, 11, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30, 31, 35, 40, 43 |
fish & circles |
16, 32, 35, 42 |
fish & drop |
9 |
fish & girl |
16 |
fish & globe |
29, 39, 41 |
fish & hook |
8 |
fish & otter |
9 |
fish & oval |
5, 16, 25, 30, 32, 42 |
fish & ovals |
9, 11, 28 |
fish & square |
3, 32 |
fish & squares |
7 |
fish & star |
29 |
fish & triangle |
5 |
fish & trumpet |
9, 26, 27 |
fish 'N' chips +fish circle |
42 |
fish aircraft & globe |
39 |
fish arc & square |
25, 29 |
fish arcs & flames |
16 |
fish arcs & ovals |
14 |